Conservatory Restoration News

The first metal work left site this week to start it’s long journey through Shepley Engineers restoration workshops in Shafton, Barnsley.  The recent good weather has meant the restoration team has made good progress, removing all the glass from the conservatory and the potting shed and starting the enormous task of labelling and recording every individual component in the structure.

3000 components had each been given an individual identity tag by the beginning of this week and the project engineer has just ordered 1000 more!  A few items which had become detached from the main structure have already left Wentworth Castle for the workshops.

The Shepleys team all proved to be media stars providing interviews for Radio Sheffield, Look North and the Yorkshire all in one day - a great opportunity for the normally reserved technical experts to shine and get the credit they deserve.

Check out our efforts on:

Next week dismantling work will start in earnest and will carry on for the next 3 months.